Have you visited our Websites, that you find offensive or that contains illegal material? Have you received an unsolicited email from a site hosted by ? We strictly prohibit the use of our services for software piracy, copyright infringement, sharing pornographic material, the defamation of others, unsolicited email communication and other such illegal and offensive activity. While we are not responsible for such behavior, we do take strict disciplinary action against offenders. Please submit issues regarding the abuse of our services including, but not limited to; illegal activity, the exploitation of children, spam, phishing and malware. We also have zero tolerance for spam activity as outlined in our Anti-Spam Policy. We review all complaints for validity and will take appropriate action, and as part of our investigation it may also be necessary for us to corroborate your complaint with our customer. To report the abuse of site hosted by Shreet Career Guidance Services Pvt. Ltd., please complete the form below. The information you submit will be kept confidential in accordance with our Privacy Policy.